This skill is good for single targets. Each of the successive charges magnifies the damage potential, so that with 3 charges going the damage, when released, can become quite impressive. It shines especially in normal and nightmare when physical damage is not reduced, however with a high damage weapon (or weapons) it can also be formidable in hell. It is one of the charge up skills that does NOT require claws, which has inspired some Tiger Strike builds to use high damage two handed weapons. Using one or more claws, however, it will get the attack rating and damage bonuses from claw mastery if skilled.
As with most melee assassin skills, high ias in conjunction with crushing blow (and chance to cast amplify damage or decrepify) go well with this skill. High lifesteal and manasteal will also work very well with this skill since it deals physical damage.
Tiger Strike is at the center of most (24 and under) low lvl dueling builds.
Tiger Strike + Dragon Tail at high skill lvls can elicit damages upwards of 60k on the character screen. There is some doubt whether this damage is actually delivered in game, however there is no mistake that Tiger Strike + Dtail can do very respectable damage.