Super-unique Monsters, also known as Sub-bosses, are a type of Unique Monsters. The main difference between them is that the names and location of Unique Monsters are always random while Super-uniques have a fixed name and spawn in the same location in every game.
All Super Unique monsters gain additional bonuses
- +3 Monster Level
- x5 Experience given upon death
- Hit Point Bonus
- x4 in Normal
- x3 in Nightmare
- x2 in Hell
In addition to the above bonuses, all Super Unique monsters spawn with a set of abilities. There are 13 of these in the game
- Aura Enchanted
- Cold Enchanted
- Cursed
- Extra Fast
- Extra Strong
- Fire Enchanted
- Lightning Enchanted
- Magic Resistant
- Mana Burn
- Multi-Shot
- Spectral Hit
- Stone Skin
- Teleporting
Super-uniques, except Act Bosses, have 2-3 special attributes that are fixed. In Nightmare and Hell Difficulty, they get 1 and 2 bonus random attributes respectively as well.
All Freeze effects are demoted to Cold effects and all Stun and Cold effects have their durations cut in half when used against Super Uniques.
All the Act Bosses are Super Unique.
Super Unique Monsters[]
This is a list of all the Super Unique Monsters present in the game. To find their attributes and tips to defeat them, click on a link.
Act I[]
- Corpsefire
- Bishibosh
- Blood Raven
- Bonebreak
- Coldcrow
- Rakanishu
- Treehead Woodfist
- Griswold*
- The Countess
- Pitspawn Fouldog
- Flamespike the Crawler (removed in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction)
- Bone Ash
- The Smith*
- Andariel*
Act II[]
- Radament*
- Bloodwitch the Wild
- Fangskin
- Beetleburst
- Coldworm the Burrower*
- Fire Eye
- Dark Elder
- The Summoner*
- Ancient Kaa the Soulless
- Creeping Feature
- Duriel*
Act III[]
- Witch Doctor Endugu
- Stormtree
- Battlemaid Sarina
- Icehawk Riftwing
- Sszark the Burning
- Ismail Vilehand
- Geleb Flamefinger
- Toorc Icefist
- Wyand Voidbringer
- Maffer Dragonhand
- Bremm Sparkfist
- Mephisto*
Act IV[]
Act V[]
- Dac Farren
- Shenk the Overseer
- Eldritch the Rectifier
- Thresh Socket
- Eyeback the Unleashed
- Sharptooth Slayer
- Frozenstein
- Bonesaw Breaker
- Snapchip Shatter
- Pindleskin
- Nihlathak*
- Talic*
- Madawc*
- Korlic*
- Colenzo the Annihilator
- Achmel the Cursed
- Bartuc the Bloody
- Ventar the Unholy
- Lister the Tormentor
- Baal*
*base monsters are unique.