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Diablo Wiki

Skeletons do not seek to consume the flesh of the living as do many of their other undead kindred, but seek only to slay those who live to increase their ranks. Single-minded in their mission to slay the living, some of these animated warriors now use the bows that served them in life to deadly effect.

Additional Information[]

Burning Dead Archers shoot Fire Arrows. Horror Archers shoot Lightning Arrows

Monster Stats[]

Skeleton Archer
Difficulty Health Resistances Drain Effectiveness Locations (Monster Level)
C F L M Phy Psn Regular Champion/Unique
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Normal 11-24 0 0 0 0 0 50 0% Underground Passage (5)
Dark Wood (5)
Tristram (5)
Underground Passage
Dark Wood
Nightmare 415-593 0 0 0 0 0 60 0% Underground Passage (37/38)
Dark Wood (38)
Tristram (39)
Underground Passage
Dark Wood
Hell 2,219-4,227 33 33 0 0 40 100 0% Underground Passage (69/83)
Dark Wood (68)
Tristram (76)
Underground Passage
Dark Wood
Returned Archer
Returned Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Normal 21-42 0 0 0 0 0 50 0% Tamoe Highland (8)
Monastery Gate (8)
Tamoe Highland
Monastery Gate
Nightmare 438-627 0 0 0 0 0 60 0% Tamoe Highland (39)
Monastery Gate (40)
Tamoe Highland
Monastery Gate
Hell 2,279-4,342 33 33 0 0 40 105 0% Tamoe Highland (69)
Monastery Gate (70)
Tamoe Highland
Monastery Gate
Bone Archer
Bone Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Normal 23-48 20 0 0 0 0 50 0% Barracks (9)
Jail (9)
Nightmare 462-661 50 0 0 0 0 60 0% Barracks (40)
Jail (41)
Hell 2,340-4,457 75 33 0 0 45 100 0% Barracks (70)
Jail (71)
Burning Dead Archer
Burning Dead Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Normal 33-66 0 30 0 0 0 50 0% Lut Gholein Sewers Level 1-2 (13) Lut Gholein Sewers Level 1-2
Nightmare 534-764 0 50 0 0 0 60 0% Lut Gholein Sewers Level 1-2 (43) Lut Gholein Sewers Level 1-2
Hell 2,581-4,917 33 75 0 0 45 110 0% Lut Gholein Sewers Level 1-2 (74) Lut Gholein Sewers Level 1-2
Horror Archer
Horror Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Normal 47-96 0 0 40 20 0 50 0% Harem ()
Palace Cellar ()
Palace Cellar
Nightmare 630-900 0 0 70 50 0 60 0% Harem (47)
Palace Cellar (47/47/48)
Palace Cellar
Hell 2,823-5,377 0 0 75 75 40 110 0% Harem (78)
Palace Cellar (78)
Palace Cellar

Act V Guest Monsters[]

Skeleton Archer
Difficulty Health Resistances Drain Effectiveness Locations (Monster Level)
C F L M Phy Psn Regular Champion/Unique
Burning Dead Archer
Burning Dead Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Nightmare ? 0 75 33 0 0 100 0% Bloody Foothills (59)
Frigid Highlands (59)
Bloody Foothills
Frigid Highlands
Hell ? 25 90 50 10 33 100 0% Bloody Foothills (81)
Frigid Highlands (81)
Bloody Foothills
Frigid Highlands
Bone Archer
Bone Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Nightmare ? 75 0 33 0 0 110 0% Frozen Tundra (60) Frozen Tundra
Hell ? 90 25 50 10 33 110 0% Frozen Tundra (81) Frozen Tundra
Returned Archer
Returned Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Nightmare ? 0 75 33 0 0 120 0% Halls of Vaught (64) Halls of Vaught
Hell ? 25 90 50 10 33 120 0% Halls of Vaught (84) Halls of Vaught
Horror Archer
Horror Archer (Diablo II)
Super Unique: None
Nightmare ? 50 50 50 0 0 140 0% Abaddon (60) Abaddon
Hell ? 66 66 66 10 33 140 0% Abaddon (81) Abaddon
