Conversation ID | Conversation |
Conv_A1C1CainIntro_Line25DHunter | Leah asked for my aid. She will be relieved to see you again. |
Conv_A1C5RFarmerScavengerEpilogue2_Line1DHunter | This is no longer your wife. |
Conv_A1C5RFarmerScavengerEpilogue2_Line3DHunter | Sometimes love means you have to let go. |
Conv_BatesFarmEpilogue5_Line1Dhunter | Hmm... really? |
Conv_BatesFarmEpilogue6_Line1Dhunter | You must stop this now. |
Conv_Blacksmith_ApprenticeFound_Line0DHunter | It grieves me to tell you this, but your apprentice has died. |
Conv_Blacksmith_CellarCallout_Line1DHunter | Sorrow won\'t save your town, blacksmith. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Crafting_2_Line12DHunter | Then we are allies. Each weapon you forge for me shall serve to purify these lands. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Crafting_2_Line7DHunter | One more thing... your apprentice is dead. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Crafting_Line10DHunter | This is fine craftsmanship. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Crafting_Line12DHunter | Then we are allies. Each weapon you forge for me shall serve to purify these lands. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Crafting_Line1DHunter | The crown has been broken. Can you repair it? |
Conv_Blacksmith_Crafting_Line7DHunter | One more thing... Your apprentice is dead. |
Conv_Blacksmith_DeadWife_Line0DHunter | It is good to see you back at the forge, blacksmith. |
Conv_Blacksmith_DeadWife_Line2DHunter | That is very true. But we also need people to fight. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Family_Line0DHunter | Tell me about your grandfather--the chancellor. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Family_Line4DHunter | A brave deed. It is good to know that there was one sane man among the mad. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Father_Line0DHunter | So you lived with your father during the fall of Old Tristram? |
Conv_Blacksmith_Father_Line5DHunter | But it was not to be. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Father2_Line1DHunter | You don\'t become a hunter unless you\'ve lost someone. You can talk to me. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Father2_Line6DHunter | And the memory of it haunts your dreams even now. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Father2_Line8DHunter | I told you, blacksmith. We\'ve all lost someone. |
Conv_Blacksmith_Protector_Line11Dhunter | What do you mean? |
Conv_Blacksmith_RescueCain_Line11Dhunter | He is alive--and I will rescue him. |
Conv_Blacksmith_ThankYou_New_Line0DHunter | There is one favor I must ask of you. Do you know where Leoric\'s crown is? |
Conv_Blacksmith_TristramBeforeQuest_Line1DHunter | What\'s the matter? |
Conv_Blacksmith_TristramBeforeQuest_Line3DHunter | Then she will need you to be strong. |
Conv_BlacksmithIntro_New_Line14Dhunter | Blacksmith, Deckard Cain said you could help me find the crown of Leoric. |
Conv_BlacksmithIntro_New_Line19DHunter | Sometimes death is the only mercy we have left. I will help you. |
Conv_Cain_AboutSkeletonKing_Line3DHunter | Leoric was driven mad by Diablo? |
Conv_Cain_AboutSkeletonKing_Line4DHunter | What did Leoric do as the Skeleton King? |
Conv_Cain_AboutWorldstoneDestruction_Line5Dhunter | The Worldstone\'s destruction must have unleashed incredible energies. |
Conv_Cain_CrownIntro_Line3DHunter | A tragic story, but I cannot reach the fallen star until I face him. |
Conv_Cain_CrownIntro_New_Line3DHunter | A tragic story, but I cannot reach the fallen star until I face him. |
Conv_Cain_IdentifyItem_Line6Dhunter | How did you learn to identify items? |
Conv_Cain_SkeletonKingQuest_Intro_Line0DHunter | How might I use the crown to reach the Skeleton King? |
Conv_Cain_SkeletonKingQuest_Intro_Line5DHunter | When he is destroyed, I shall finally reach the star. |
Conv_Cain_TellMeAboutYourself_Line1DHunter | You can\'t blame yourself. |
Conv_Cain_UndeadBashing_Line4DHunter | Cain! I\'m here to rescue you! |
Conv_CainAboutLeah_1_Line1DHunter | You and Leah seem very close. |
Conv_CainAboutLeah_2_Line4Dhunter | I heard that you took Leah on your searches for ancient artifacts and tomes. Wasn\'t that dangerous? |
Conv_Crown_Lore_Line0Dhunter | Now that the Skeleton King has been vanquished, his crown must not be found by those who would use it for their unholy, sorcerous ends. |
Conv_DefiledCrypts_False1_Line0DHunter | Just my luck. The crown isn\'t even in this crypt. |
Conv_DefiledCrypts_False1_Line2DHunter | Hardly. |
Conv_DefiledCrypts_False2_Line0DHunter | Well, there isn\'t a crown here. I\'d best try another crypt. |
Conv_DefiledCrypts_TheRightOne_Line0DHunter | I have a feeling that the crown is nearby... |
Conv_DyingGuy_GameIntro_Line1Dhunter | Rest easy, friend. |
Conv_Event_A1_Wilderness_MultiCoffin_PlayerCallout_Line0DHunter | Who disturbed this grave? |
Conv_Event_A1_Wilderness_MultiCoffin_PlayerCallout_Mid_Line0DHunter | I should have known... |
Conv_Event_A1_Wilderness_MultiCoffin_PlayerCallout_Outro_Line0DHunter | That will keep you in the ground. |
Conv_Event_A1OldTristram_ZombieTree_PlayerCallout_Line0DHunter | So many dead... |
Conv_Event_FamilyThatBurrows_Line0DHunter | The creatures that killed him can\'t be far. Their tracks are fresh. |
Conv_Event_FoundApprentice_Line0DHunter | I am too late. The blacksmith\'s apprentice is dead. I must let Haedrig know when I can. |
Conv_Event_GameHunters_PlayerCalloutOutro_Line0DHunter | Try and trap a hunter... that\'s what you get. |
Conv_Event_House1000Undead_End_Line0Dhunter | The dead are at peace now. |
Conv_Event_OldTristCellar_QuillDemonChase_PlayerCallout1_Line0DHunter | All of these chests are empty. Something isn\'t right here. |
Conv_Event_OldTristram_BlackMushroom_Line0DHunter | These mushrooms are quite enormous. |
Conv_Event_SpiritJourney_PlayerCalloutOutro_Line0DHunter | Sometimes they get what\'s coming to them. |
Conv_Event_SpiritJourney_ShamanChant_Line1DHunter | What foul necromancy is this? |
Conv_Event_Tower_Of_Power_InsideSkellieGreet_Line2DHunter | I have faced greater dangers. |
Conv_Event_Tower_Of_Power_SkellieIntro2_Line1DHunter | I\'m afraid I have other plans. |
Conv_Event_VendorRescue_Vendor_FailQuest_Line6DHunter | You have my apologies. |
Conv_Event_VendorRescue_Vendor_FailQuest_Line8DHunter | I am sorry to tell you that your brother died in the caves below before I could save him. The cultists have paid for what they have done. |
Conv_Event_VendorRescue_Vendor_QuestInfo_Line8DHunter | We will show them the price of such reckless greed. |
Conv_Event_VendorRescue_Vendor_StartQuest_Line10DHunter | We should start searching then. Quickly! |
Conv_FarmAmbushFlyerFarmer_Greet_Line1DHunter | If you cannot fight, then you should flee. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_01_Line67DHunter | So long as you don\'t get in my way. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_02_Line69DHunter | Probably because there isn\'t one. Let\'s go. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_03_Line67DHunter | If I ever felt fear, it has been consumed by my hatred. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_04_Line61DHunter | If it is truly evil, it does not care. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_05_Line0DHunter | You wield a fine spear. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_06_Line0DHunter | Were you always man of faith? |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_07_Line1Dhunter | Why is that? |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_08_Line1DHunter | They are given three days food and water, then banished. |
Conv_Fol_Player_TP_Wrld_09_Line1DHunter | Oh, he\'s harmless. Mostly. |
Conv_Fol_SC_VendorBrotherWon_Line1Dhunter | What makes you say that? |
Conv_Fol_TP_Cathedral1_Line1DHunter | But it wasn\'t enough to contain the evil that haunts this place. |
Conv_Fol_TP_Cathedral2_Line0DHunter | What ails you, templar? |
Conv_Fol_TP_Cathedral2_Line2DHunter | That is the nature of the world. But we will fight it. |
Conv_Fol_TP_CathedralRoad_Line1DHunter | They are lost to darkness. |
Conv_Fol_TP_Cemetery_Line3DHunter | Thank you. But I am more proud to call you my friend. |
Conv_Fol_TP_Crypts1_Line1DHunter | No. Isn\'t this life bad enough? |
Conv_Fol_TP_FesteringWoods_Line0DHunter | The dead do not rest here--and neither should we. |
Conv_Fol_TP_FesteringWoods2_Line1DHunter | Even death holds no rest for them. |
Conv_Fol_TP_HallsofAgony4_Line1DHunter | This is my duty. I must not hesitate. |
Conv_Fol_TP_WeepingHollow1_Line0Dhunter | Did you have many friends at the order? |
Conv_Fol_TP_WeepingHollow1_Line2DHunter | Ah, so you didn\'t have any friends then. |
Conv_Guard_About_LeahAndCain_Line1DHunter | Do you know anything about Leah and Deckard Cain? |
Conv_Hero_Apologize_Line0Dhunter | I\'m sorry, I chose poorly. |
Conv_Hero_Apologize_Line0Dhunter | I chose poorly. |
Conv_Hero_Apologize_Line1Dhunter | I was mistaken. |
Conv_Hero_Apologize_Line2DHunter | I am sorry. |
Conv_Hero_Apologize_Line4DHunter | My apologies. |
Conv_Hero_Beseech_Line0Dhunter | Help me! |
Conv_Hero_Beseech_Line1DHunter | Stand with me! |
Conv_Hero_Beseech_Line2Dhunter | Please, lend me your aid! |
Conv_Hero_Beseech_Line2Dhunter | Lend me your aid! |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line0DHunter | Sweet revenge! |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line1DHunter | Feel my wrath! |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line2DHunter | That was just a taste! |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line3DHunter | Bleed, you filth! |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line4DHunter | Your fear betrays you. |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line5DHunter | Darkness awaits you. |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line6DHunter | Vengeance! |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line7DHunter | Do you want more? |
Conv_Hero_CriticalHit_Line8DHunter | You won\'t survive that. |
Conv_Hero_Depart_Line0Dhunter | Farewell. |
Conv_Hero_Depart_Line1DHunter | Stay vigilant. |
Conv_Hero_Depart_Line2DHunter | Be swift and silent. |
Conv_Hero_Depart_Line4DHunter | Enjoy the hunt. |
Conv_Hero_Go_Line0Dhunter | We must go! |
Conv_Hero_Go_Line2DHunter | Let us depart. |
Conv_Hero_Healed_Line0DHunter | I am renewed. |
Conv_Hero_Healed_Line1DHunter | I am well again. |
Conv_Hero_Healed_Line2DHunter | My strength is back. |
Conv_Hero_Healed_Line4DHunter | I feel better now. |
Conv_Hero_Idle_Line0DHunter | Patience was never my virtue. |
Conv_Hero_Idle_Line1DHunter | Somewhere out there, someone is dying. |
Conv_Hero_Idle_Line2DHunter | My foes gain strength while I tarry here. |
Conv_Hero_Idle_Line3DHunter | I did not devote my life to standing around. |
Conv_Hero_Idle_Line4DHunter | I mustn\'t waste more time. |
Conv_Hero_Idle_Line5DHunter | I am growing restless! |
Conv_Hero_Lead_Line0Dhunter | Follow! |
Conv_Hero_Lead_Line1DHunter | Keep up. |
Conv_Hero_Lead_Line2DHunter | Accompany me. |
Conv_Hero_Lead_Line4DHunter | Stay close. |
Conv_Hero_Leah_01_Line161DHunter | But now it has fallen into shadow. |
Conv_Hero_Leah_02_Line161Dhunter | What do you miss? |
Conv_Hero_Leah_03_Line161DHunter | I couldn\'t go back to that kind of life. |
Conv_Hero_Leah_03_Line200DHunter | Perhaps I should just visit. |
Conv_Hero_Leah_04_Line161Dhunter | Tell me about this inn you want to open. |
Conv_Hero_Leah_04_Line200DHunter | A perfect place to be ambushed. I\'d sleep in a field. |
Conv_Hero_Leah_05_Line1Dhunter | People will do anything for power. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line0DHunter | I\'ve become stronger. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line1DHunter | My training has paid off. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line2DHunter | I feel more powerful. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line3DHunter | How satisfying. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line4DHunter | I have more control now. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line5DHunter | I\'ve become more formidable. |
Conv_Hero_LevelUp_Line6DHunter | I could get accustomed to that. |
Conv_Hero_No_Line0Dhunter | No. |
Conv_Hero_Offer_Line0Dhunter | Take this. |
Conv_Hero_Offer_Line1Dhunter | Here you are. |
Conv_Hero_Offer_Line2Dhunter | You\'ll need this. |
Conv_Hero_PvP_Attack_Line0Dhunter | Attack! |
Conv_Hero_PvP_Hold_Line0DHunter | Stand your ground here! |
Conv_Hero_PvP_Objective_Line0DHunter | Seize the objective! |
Conv_Hero_PvP_Retreat_Line0Dhunter | Retreat! |
Conv_Hero_PvP_Stay_Line0Dhunter | Stay here. |
Conv_Hero_Run_Line0Dhunter | Run! |
Conv_Hero_Run_Line1DHunter | Go! |
Conv_Hero_Run_Line2DHunter | Make your escape! |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line0DHunter | I think I\'ve found my prey... |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line10DHunter | Just close your eyes. It will all be over soon. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line1DHunter | No mercy for the wicked. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line2DHunter | Just try and strike... I\'m waiting. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line3DHunter | I\'ve vanquished lesser foes. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line4DHunter | A beast for the slaughter. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line5DHunter | Don\'t make me laugh. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line6Dhunter | This is pathetic. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line7DHunter | Your blood will fall like rain. |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line8DHunter | That\'s it? |
Conv_Hero_Taunt_Line9DHunter | Any last words? |
Conv_Hero_Thanks_Line0DHunter | You have my thanks. |
Conv_Hero_Thanks_Line1DHunter | Why, thank you. |
Conv_Hero_Wait_Line0Dhunter | Wait for me. |
Conv_Hero_Wait_Line2DHunter | Just a moment. |
Conv_Jeweler_TellMeAboutYourself_Line1DHunter | That sounds like a peaceful life. |
Conv_Jeweler_TellMeAboutYourself_Line3DHunter | Have you ever considered traveling with guards? |
Conv_Jeweler_ThatJewel_Line1DHunter | You do realize that the gem could have bought the merchant and all of his wares, right? |
Conv_Jeweler_ThatJewel_Line3DHunter | You look even happier than usual. |
Conv_Karyna_AboutMystic_Line1Dhunter | Myriam? |
Conv_Leah_AboutAdria_Line5Dhunter | What did you learn of your mother? |
Conv_Leah_AdriasCellar_New_Line1Dhunter | I will go. Stay here and learn what you can. |
Conv_Leah_AdriasDeath_Line1Dhunter | How did your mother die? |
Conv_Leah_AfterKilling_Line1DHunter | Then I shall put an end to them and secure your town. |
Conv_Leah_BarIntro_Line0DHunter | Leah, is it? Rumford said that you survived the fallen star\'s impact. |
Conv_Leah_CainRescueIntro_New_Line1Dhunter | Come, let us search for your uncle. |
Conv_Leah_OnWayToAdrias_Line1Dhunter | What of your father? |
Conv_Leah_TellMeAboutYourself_Line4Dhunter | What does your uncle seek? |
Conv_LeahCainReturns_New_Line21DHunter | I have but one request of you. What do you know of the fallen star? |
Conv_Mystic_BlacksmithQuest_Line1Dhunter | Must you always speak in riddles? |
Conv_Mystic_InTristram02_Line3DHunter | Why? Is it after something? |
Conv_Mystic_Protector_Line1DHunter | Well, that\'s reassuring. |
Conv_Mystic_RescueCain_Line1Dhunter | Cain does not ask for gold to identify items. |
Demon Hunter Conversation